I started training in Anthony’s class with my mum in 2002. It was a fantastic activity for both of us to share together and training with a mix of people really helped build my confidence at a young age and aid my physical development. I currently hold a 1st Degree Black Sash in Kung Fu and have started to take a more active role on the competition circuit.
During my time training, I developed a love of teaching which contributed towards me achieving a degree in Primary Education (Initial Teacher Training).
The knowledge gained during my degree studies helps me understand how children learn and how best to keep them engaged, interested and motivated! I am now putting these skills to use assisting with teaching some of the Nexus classes and helping to prepare the Junior students for their gradings.
In addition to my teaching qualification, I also now work in Law Enforcement. All the years' training with Nexus has helped my discipline and fitness - crucial for this job! Very importantly too, training with Nexus has given me the skills and confidence to defend myself and protect others on a daily basis, another major part of my role.